Munive-Olarte, A., Hidalgo-Moyte, J.J., Velasquillo, C. Juarez-Moreno, K.* & Mota-Morales, J.D.* 2022. Boosting cell proliferation in three-dimensional polyacrylates/nanohydroxyapatite scaffolds synthesized by deep eutectic-solvent-based emulsion templating. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. IF: 8.128 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2021.08.149 *Autor de correspondencia.
Quester K., Rodríguez-González S., González-Dávalos L., Lozano-Flores C., González-Gallardo A., Zapiain-Merino S.J., Shimada A., Mora O. and Vazquez-Duhalt R. (2022) Chitosan nanoparticles containing lipoic acid with antioxidant properties as potential nutritional supplement. Animals 12: 417.
Aguilar-Guzmán J.C., Bejtka K., Fontana M., Valsami-Jones E., Meza Villezcas A. Vazquez-Duhalt R., Rodríguez-Hernández A. (2022) Polyethylene terephthalate nanoparticles effect on RAW 264.7 macrophage cells. Microplastics and Nanoplastics. 2: 9.
Choi S., Vazquez-Duhalt R. and Graeve O.A. (2022) Nonlinear charge regulation for the deposition of silica nanoparticles on polystyrene spherical surfaces. J. Colloid Interfase Sci. 613: 747-763.
Juarez-Moreno, K.*, Chávez-García, D., Hirata, G. & Vazquez-Duhalt, R. 2022. Monolayer (2D) or spheroids (3D) cell cultures for nanotoxicological studies? Comparison of cytotoxicity and cell internalization of nanoparticles. Toxicology in vitro. 85:105461
Chauhan, K. Olivares-Medina, C.N. Villagrana-Escareño, M.V., Juárez-Moreno K., Cadena-Nava, R., Rodríguez-Hernández, A.G. & Vazquez-Duhalt, R. 2022. Targeted enzymatic VLP-Nanoreactors with β-Glucocerebrosidase activity as potential enzyme Villanueva-Flores, Francisca, Andrés Zárate-Romero, Alfredo G. Torres, and Alejandro Huerta-Saquero (2021). Encapsulation of Asparaginase as a Promising Strategy to Improve In Vivo Drug Performance. Pharmaceutics 13(11): 1965.
Murillo-Rábago, E.I.; Vilchis-Nestor, A.R.; Juarez-Moreno, K.; García-Marin, L.E.; Quester,K. & Castro-Longoria; E. 2022. Optimized Synthesis of small and stable silver nanoparticles using intracellular and extracellular components of fungi: An Alternative for bacterial inhibition. Antibiotics. 11(6)800: https://doi.org/10.3390/antibiotics11060800 IF: 4.639
Rincón-López, J.; Martínez-Aguilera, M.; Guadarrama, P., Juarez-Moreno, K*.; & Rojas-Aguirre, Y*. 2022. Exploring In Vitro Biological Cellular Responses of Pegylated b-Cyclodextrins. Molecules. 8(27):3026 doi: 10.3390/molecules27093026. IF: 4.412 *Autor de correspondencia.
Ivonne Pintor, José A. Mata-Sotres, Ana G. Rodríguez-Hernández, María Teresa Viana and Rafael Vazquez-Duhalt, Ingestion effect of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) nanoparticles on juveniles of shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences. Acepted 8 de marzo 2022 DOI: 10.12691/aees-10-3-12
Sengar, P.; Chauhan, K.; Hirata, G.A. Progress on carbon dots and hydroxyapatite based biocompatible luminescent nanomaterials for cancer theranostics. Transal. Oncol. 2022, 101482. IF: 4.8
Mann, G.; Chauhan, K.; Kumar, V.; Daksh, S.; Kumar, N.; Thirumal, M.; Datta, A. Bio-evaluation of 99mTc Labeled Homodimeric Chalcone Derivative as Amyloid β Targeting Probe. Front. Med 2022, 1735. IF: 5.05 (#authors contribute equally and share the first authorship)
Kendra Ramírez-Acosta, Iván A Rosales-Fuerte, J Eduardo Perez-Sanchez, Alfredo Nuñez-Rivera, Josue Juarez, Ruben D Cadena-Nava*. Design and selection of peptides to block the SARS-CoV-2, receptor binding domain by molecular docking.Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2022, 13, 699–711.
MA Zúñiga-Hinojosa, A Cosultchi, MT Martinez-Martinez, RD Cadena-Nava*, J Ruiz-Garcia*. Behavior comparison of films of Mexican bitumen and its asphaltene and maltenes fractions at interfaces. Fuel. 2022, 307(1), 121852
Alejandra Nieto-Maldonado, Sayra Bustos-Guadarrama, Heriberto Espinoza-Gomez, Lucía Z Flores-López, Kendra Ramirez-Acosta, Gabriel Alonso-Nuñez, Ruben D Cadena-Nava. Green synthesis of copper nanoparticles using different plant extracts and their antibacterial activity.Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2022, 10(2), 107130 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2022, 10(2), 107130
Jaime F Ruiz-Robles, Adriana M Longoria-Hernández, Nancy Gerling, Emmanuel Vazquez- Martinez, Luis E Sanchez-Diaz, Ruben D Cadena-Nava, Maria V Villagrana-Escareño, Elizabeth Reynaga-Hernández, Boris I Ivlev, Jaime Ruiz-Garcia. Spontaneous Condensation of RNA into Reynaga-Hernández, Boris I Ivlev, Jaime Ruiz-Garcia. Spontaneous Condensation of RNA into Nanoring and Globular Structures. ACS Omega. 2022, 7(18), 15404–15410
Marco Antonio Alvarez-Amparán, Vanessa Martínez-Cornejo, Luis Cedeño-Caero, Kevin A. Hernandez-Hernandez, Rubén D. Cadena-Nava, · Gabriel Alonso-Núñez,Sergio Fuentes Moyado. Characterization and photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanoparticles on cotton fabrics, for antibacterial masks.Applied Nanoscience. Accepted: 30 August 2022
Mejía-Méndez J.L., Vazquez-Duhalt R., Hernández L.R., Sánchez-Arreola E., Bach H. (2022) Virus-like particles: fundamentals and biomedical applications. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23: 8579.
Pérez-Caselles C, Alburquerque N, Faize L, Bogdanchikova N, García-Ramos JC, Rodríguez-Hernández AG, Pestryakov A, Burgos L. How to Get More Silver? Culture Media Adjustment Targeting Surge of Silver Nanoparticle Penetration in Apricot Tissue during in Vitro Micropropagation. Horticulturae. 2022; 8(10):855. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae8100855
Villanueva-Flores, Francisca, Andrés Zárate-Romero, Alfredo G. Torres, and Alejandro Huerta-Saquero (2021). Encapsulation of Asparaginase as a Promising Strategy to Improve In Vivo Drug Performance. Pharmaceutics 13(11): 1965.
Tenorio-Salgado S, Castelán-Sánchez HG, Dávila-Ramos S, Huerta-Saquero A, Rodríguez-Morales S, Merino-Pérez E, Roa de la Fuente LF, Solis-Pereira SE, Pérez-Rueda E, Lizama-Uc G. (2021). Metagenomic analysis and antimicrobial activity of two fermented milk kefir samples. MicrobiologyOpen. Mar;10(2):e1183.
Cristina Díaz-Barriga Herrera, Francisca Villanueva-Flores, Katrin Quester, Andrés Zárate-Romero, Rubén Darío Cadena-Nava and Alejandro Huerta-Saquero* (2021). Asparaginase-phage P22 nanoreactors: Toward a biobetter development for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia treatment. Pharmaceutics. 13(5): 604. https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics13050604. *Autor corresponsal. IF: 6.32. Q1
Romo-Herrera, J.M., Juarez-Moreno, K., Guerrini, L., Kang, Y., Feliu, N., Parak, W.J., Alvarez-Puebla, R. 2021. Paper-based Plasmonic substrates as SERS platforms for cell culture applications. Materials Today Bio.
Olvera-Guillen, R., Juarez-Moreno, K., Cruz-Soto, M. et al. 2021. Supramolecular poly(vinyl alcohol)-folate structure as functional layer and colloidal stabilizer of poly(vinyl acetate) nanoparticles with potential use as nanocarrier for hydrophobic antitumor agents. J. Nanopart. Res. 23, 132.
Chávez-García, D. , Sengar, P., Juarez-Moreno, K., Flores, D.L., Calderón, I., Barrera, J., and Hirata, G.A. 2021. Luminescence properties and cell uptake analysis of Y2O3: Eu, Bi nanophosphors for bio-imaging applications. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 10:797-807.
Pérez-Mozqueda L.L, Vazquez-Duhalt R., Castro-Longoria E. (2021) Enzymatic characterization of agmatinase (AGM-1) from the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa. Fungal Genet. Biol. 157: 103634
Chauhan K., Zárate-Romero A., Sengar P., Medrano C. and Vazquez-Duhalt R. (2021) Catalytic kinetics considerations and molecular tools for the design of multienzymatic cascade nanoreactors. ChemCatChem 13: 3732-3748.
Romero-Hernández L., Velez P., Betanzo-Gutiérrez I., Camacho-López M.D., Vazquez-Duhalt R. and Riquelme M. (2021) Extra-heavy crude oil degradation by Alternaria sp. isolated from deep-sea sediments of the Gulf of Mexico. Appl. Sci. 11; 6090.
Blatchley M.R., Hall F., Ntekoumes D., Cho H., Kailash V., Vazquez-Duhalt R. and Gerecht S. (2021) Discretizing 3D oxygen gradients to modulate and investigate cellular processes. Adv. Sci. 2021: 2100190.
Gama P., Cadena-Nava R.D., Juarez-Moreno K., Pérez-Robles J. and Vazquez-Duhalt R. (2021) Virus-based nanoreactors containing GALT activity for classic galactosemia therapy. ChemMedChem 16: 1438– 1445.
Patiño-Guillén G; Arceta-Lozano A., Falcón-Montes J., García-Díaz E., Díaz de León J. N., Vazquez-Duhalt R. Gao, G., Mendez-Rojas M.and Campos-Delgado J. (2021) Simple in situ functionalization of carbon nanospheres. Nanotechnology 32: 085602.
Amberly Xie, Irina Tsvetkova, Yang Liu, Xingchen Ye, Priyadarshine Hewavitharanage, Bogdan Dragnea, Ruben D Cadena-Nava. Hydrophobic Cargo Encapsulation into Virus Protein Cages by Self-Assembly in an Aprotic Organic Solvent. Bioconjugate Chem. (2021), 32, 11, 2366–2376.
Violeta Morales-Lozoya, Heriberto Espinoza-Gómez, Lucía Z Flores-López, Erika Lis Sotelo-Barrera, Alfredo Núñez-Rivera, Rubén Darío Cadena-Nava, Gabriel Alonso-Nuñez, Ignacio A Rivero. Study of the effect of the different parts of Morinda citrifolia L.(noni) on the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles and their antibacterial activity. Applied Surface Science. (2021) 537, 147855.
Santiago Ramos-Carreño, Ivone Giffard-Mena, Jose N Zamudio-Ocadiz, Alfredo Nuñez-Rivera, Ricardo Valencia-Yañez, Jaime Ruiz-Garcia, Maria Teresa Viana, Ruben D Cadena-Nava. Antiviral therapy in shrimp through plant virus VLP containing VP28 dsRNA against WSSV. Beilstein J. Org. Chem. (2021), 17, 1360–1373.
Moreno-Ulloa A., Sicairos-Diaz V., Tejeda-Mora J., Macias Contreras M., Diaz-Castillo F., Guerrero A., Gonzalez-Sanchez R., Mendoza-Porras O., Vazquez-Duhalt R., and Licea-Navarro A. (2020) Chemical profiling provides insights into the metabolic machinery of hydrocarbon-degrading deep-sea microbes. mSystems 5: e00824-20
Rodríguez-Hernández A.G. Chiodoni A., Bocchini S. and Vazquez-Duhalt R. (2020) 3D printer waste, a new source of nanoplastic pollutants. Environ. Pollut. 267: 115609.
Chauhan K., Sengar P., Juarez-Moreno K., Hirata G.A. and Vazquez-Duhalt R. (2020) Camouflaged, activatable and therapeutic tandem bionanoreactors for breast cancer theranosis. J. Colloid Interfase Sci. 580: 365-376.
Rodríguez-Hernández A.G., Vazquez-Duhalt R. and Huerta-Saquero A. (2020) Nanoparticle-Plasma Membrane interactions: thermodynamics, toxicity and cellular response. Curr. Med. Chem. 20: 3330-3345.
Mendoza-Avila J., Chauhan K. and Vazquez-Duhalt R. (2020) Enzymatic synthesis of indigo-derivative industrial dyes. Dyes and Pigments 178: 108384.
Nuñez-Rivera A., Fournier P.G.J., Arellano D.L., Rodriguez-Hernandez A.G., Vazquez-Duhalt R. and Cadena-Nava R.D. (2020) Brome mosaic virus-like particles as siRNA nanocarriers for biomedical purposes. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 11: 372–382.
González-Davis O., Chauhan K., Zapian-Merino S-J. and Vazquez-Duhalt R. (2020) Bi-enzymatic virus-like bionanoreactors for the transformation of endocrine disruptor compounds. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 146: 415-421.
LH Delgado-Rangel, A Huerta-Saquero, N Eufracio-García,(2020) Deep eutectic solvent-assisted phase separation in chitosan solutions for the production of 3D monoliths and films with tailored porosities. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 164, 4084-4094
I González-Torres, E Perez-Rueda, Z Evangelista-Martínez, (2020) Identification of L-asparaginases from Streptomyces strains with competitive activity and immunogenic profiles: a bioinformatic approach. PeerJ 8, e10276
R Vazquez-Muñoz, N Bogdanchikova, A Huerta-Saquero (2020) Beyond the nanomaterials approach: Influence of culture conditions on the stability and antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles. ACS omega 5 (44), 28441-28451
E Flores-Bautista, R Hernandez-Guerrero, A Huerta-Saquero,(2020) Deciphering the functional diversity of DNA-binding transcription factors in Bacteria and Archaea organisms. PloS one 15 (8), e0237135
E Contreras, C Palacios, B Huerta, S Ahn, O Vazquez-Mena, (2020) Anodes for Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells Assisted by Plasmon-Accelerated Electrochemical Oxidation Using Gold Nanoparticle-Decorated Buckypapers. ACS Applied Energy Materials 3 (9), 8755-8764
LE Tellechea-Robles, M Salazar Ceseña, SH Bullock, RD Cadena-Nava, (2020) Is Leaf Water-Repellency and Cuticle Roughness Linked to Flooding Regimes in Plants of Coastal Wetlands? Wetlands 40 (3), 515-525
P Sengar, DL Flores, K Chauhan, B Can-Uc, K Juarez-Moreno, (2020) Visible/Near-Infrared Emitting, Garnet-Based Paramagnetic-Persistent Luminescent Nanocrystals for Two-Photon Bioimaging. Crystal Growth & Design 20 (9), 5880-5889
D Chávez‐García, K Juarez‐Moreno, I Calderón‐Osuna, P Navarro, (2020) Nanotoxicological study of downconversion Y2O3:Eu3+luminescent nanoparticles functionalized with folic acid for cancer cells bioimaging. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 108 (6 …
AS Álvarez-Suárez, SG Dastager, N Bogdanchikova, D Grande, .(2020) Electrospun fibers and sorbents as a possible basis for effective composite wound dressings. Micromachines 11 (4), 441
EJ Gachuz, M Castillo-Santillán, K Juarez-Moreno, J Maya-Cornejo, (2020) Electrical conductivity of an all-natural and biocompatible semi-interpenetrating polymer network containing a deep eutectic solvent. Green Chemistry 22 (17), 5785-5797
K Chauhan, G Mann, AP Jaswal, H Ojha, AK Mishra, A Datta (2020) 68Ga-Labeled bismacrocyclic methylene phosphonate as potential bone seeking PET radiopharmaceutical. Bioorganic Chemistry 104, 104185
Iván González-Torres 1, Ernesto Perez-Rueda 2, Zahaed Evangelista-Martínez 3, Andrés Zárate-Romero 1 4, Angélica Moreno-Enríquez 5, Alejandro Huerta-Saquero 1. Identification of L-asparaginases from Streptomyces strains with competitive activity and immunogenic profiles: a bioinformatic approach. PeerJ. 2020 Nov 13;8: e10276. doi: 10.7717/peerj.10276. eCollection 2020.
Sengar, P.; Garcia-Tapia, K., Chauhan, K; Jain, A., Juarez-Moreno, K., Borbon-Nunez, H.A.; Tiznado, H., Contreras, O.E., Hirata, G.A., Dual-photosensitizer coupled nanoscintillator capable of producing type I and type II ROS for next generation photodynamic therapy. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2019, 536, 586-597. IF: 5.091
Tejeda-Rodríguez J.A., Núñez A., Soto F., Gracía-Gradilla V., Cadena-Nava R., Wang J. and Vazquez-Duhalt R. (2019) Virus-based nanomotores for cargo delivery. ChemNanoMat 5: 194-200.
Soto K.M., Quezada-Cervantes C.T., Hernandez-Iturriaga M., Luna-Bárcenas G., Vazquez-Duhalt R., Mendoza S. (2019) Fruit peels waste for the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles with antimicrobial activity against foodborne pathogens. LWT Food Sci.Technol. 103: 293-300
Sengar, P., García-Tapia, K., Can-Uc, B., Juarez-Moreno, K., Contreras, O.E. and Hirata, G.A. (2019). Simultaneous paramagnetic and persistence-luminescence in GAGG:Ce,Pr nanoparticles synthesized by sol-gel for biomedical applications. Journal of Applied Physics. 126: 586-597.
Folch-Mallol, J. L., Zárate, A., Sánchez-Reyes, A., & López-Lara, I. M. (2019). Expression, purification, and characterization of a metagenomic thioesterase from activated sludge involved in the degradation of acylCoA-derivatives. Protein Expression and Purification, 159, 49-52.
Zárate-Romero, A., Stojanoff, V., Cohen, A. E., Hansberg, W., & Rudiño-Piñera, E. (2019). X-ray driven reduction of Cpd I of Catalase-3 from N. crassa reveals differential sensitivity of active sites and formation of ferrous state. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 666,107-115.
Centeno-Leija, S., Tapia-Cabrera S., Guzmán-Trampe, A., Esquivel, B., Esturau-Escofet, N., Tierrafría, V.H., Rodríguez-Sanoja, R., Zárate-Romero, A., Stojanoff. V., Rudiño-Piñera, E., Serrano-Posada, H., & Sánchez, S. (2019). The structure of (E)-biformene synthase provides insights into the biosynthesis of bacterial bicyclic labdane-related diterpenoids. Journal of Structural Biology, 207 (1), 29-39.
Meza-Villezcas A., Fournier P.G.J., Soria-Castro E., Gallego-Hernández A.L., N. Bogdanchikova N., Vazquez-Duhalt R., Vazquez-Muñoz R., Juarez-Moreno K. And Huerta-Saquero A. (2019) Enhancement of antibiotics antimicrobial activity due to the silver nanoparticles impact on the cell membrane. PlosOne 14: e0224904
Oviedo M.J., Quester K., Hirata G.A. and Vazquez-Duhalt R. (2019) Determination of conjugated protein on nanoparticles by an adaptation of the Coomassie blue dye method. Methods X 6: 2134-2140.
Sánchez-Alejandro F., Baratto M.C., Basosi R., Graeve O. and Vazquez-Duhalt R. (2019) Addition of new catalytic sites on the surface of versatile peroxidase for enhancement of LRET catalysis. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 131: 109429.
Pérez-Mosqueda L.L., Vazquez-Duhalt R. and Castro-Longoria E. (2019) Role and dynamics of an agmatinase-like protein (AGM-1) in Neurospora crassa. Fungal Genet. Biol. 132: 103264.
Rodríguez-Hernández A.G., J. Muñoz-Tabares A., Aguilar-Guzmán C., Vazquez-Duhalt R. (2019) Novel and simple method for polyethylene terephthalate (PET) nanoparticles production. Environ. Sci. Nano 6: 2031-2036.
Silva-Torres O., Bojorquez-Vazquez L., Simakov A. and Vazquez-Duhalt R. (2019). Enhanced laccase activity of biocatalytic hybrid copper hydroxide nanocages. Enzyme Microbol. Technol. 128: 59-66.
Rodríguez-Hernández A.G., Vazquez-Duhalt R. and Huerta-Saquero A. (2019) Nanoparticle-Plasma Membrane interactions: thermodynamics, toxicity and cellular response. Curr. Med. Chem. (On line). DOI 10.2174/0929867325666181112090648.
Tejeda-Rodríguez J.A., Núñez A., Soto F., Gracía-Gradilla V., Cadena-Nava R., Wang J. and Vazquez-Duhalt R. (2019) Virus-based nanomotores for cargo delivery. ChemNanoMat 5: 194-200.
Soto K.M., Quezada-Cervantes C.T., Hernandez-Iturriaga M., Luna-Bárcenas G., Vazquez-Duhalt R., Mendoza S. (2019) Fruit peels waste for the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles with antimicrobial activity against foodborne pathogens. LWT Food Sci.Technol. 103: 293-300
Folch-Mallol, J. L., Zárate, A., Sánchez-Reyes, A., & López-Lara, I. M. (2019). Expression, purification, and characterization of a metagenomic thioesterase from activated sludge involved in the degradation of acylCoA-derivatives. Protein Expression and Purification, 159, 49-52.
Vázquez-Muñoz, R., Meza-Villezcas, A. Fournier, PGJ., Soria-Castro, E., Juárez-Moreno, K., Gallego-Hernández, A. Bogdanchikova, N., Vazquez-Duhalt, R. and Huerta-Saquero, A. 2019. Enhancement of antibiotics antimicrobial activity due to the silver nanoparticles impact on the cell membrane. PLoS One. 8(14).
Cristóbal Aguilar-Guzmán, Katarzyna Bejtka, Marco Fontana, Eugenia Valsami-Jones, Anaid Meza Villezcas, Rafael Vazquez-Duhalt, Ana G Rodríguez-Hernández*, Polyethylene terephthalate nanoparticles effect on macrophage cells. Acepted 11 de enero de 2022 (Microplastics and Nanoplastics MINA-S-21-00025).